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Energy Management


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Save big on your monthly bills with Armed365

Why pay to heat or cool your property when no one is there? Get total control over your home or business with smart technology solutions from Armed365.

Smart home automation can reduce your monthly energy bills by up to 20%! Our innovative app makes it easy to put your lights and thermostat on a schedule so you’re not paying for energy that you’re not using.


Our Geo Services feature uses location automation to determine when you’ve left, and when you’re on your way home. Your thermostat will automatically go into “Savings Mode” when you’re away, and begin heating or cooling your home before you return, so it’s always a comfortable temperature.

Put your lights on a schedule when you’re away on holidays, and make it appear as though someone is home—no complicated timers required!

Extreme weather can significantly impact your home’s heating or cooling, but smart home automation can automatically adjust your thermostat based on the weather.



There’s always that one employee or family member who insists on adjusting the thermostat—but they aren’t paying your heating and cooling costs!

Our smart controls allow you to set—and lock!—your thermostat, preventing other people from adjusting it when you’re away. Need to make some adjustments? Simply open your app and remotely control your thermostat from anywhere.

Receive an alert if the thermostat has been adjusted, or if the temperature of your property is too high or too low. You’re always in control with Armed365!



There’s always that one employee or family member who insists on adjusting the thermostat—but they aren’t paying your heating and cooling costs!

Our smart controls allow you to set—and lock!—your thermostat, preventing other people from adjusting it when you’re away. Need to make some adjustments? Simply open your app and remotely control your thermostat from anywhere.

Receive an alert if the thermostat has been adjusted, or if the temperature of your property is too high or too low. You’re always in control with Armed365!

Smarter Energy Savings.


Save money, efficiency and energy when you add a smart thermostat to your system.

Create custom schedules and temperature presets that will keep your property at optimal comfort.

Have your thermostat automatically set back when the system is armed away, or pause if smoke or carbon monoxide is detected to limit the circulation of fumes.


Save energy and keep your property secure with smart lights.

Set up rules to automatically turn on the entry light whenever you disarm your system and walk through the door.

Create light schedules that make it appear as if you’re at home even when you’re away.


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